Bookroom Fiction & Nonfiction Book Collection
The Bookroom Book Collection includes all four of our collections. The Bookroom Collection includes the Kindergarten Collection, First Grade Collection, Second Grade Collection, and the Third Grade Collection. The Bookroom Collection contains 170 titles with 6 copies per title. There are a total of 1,020 books in the Bookroom Collection. This purchase is for books only.
Level A Titles:
What Can I Play?, Opposites, Do You See?, Fruit Salad, Getting Ready for Bed, How I Move, In the Kitchen, In the Mud, My Big Dog, One for You
Level B Titles:
At the Beach, Dog and Cat, The Garage, Where Did You Come From?, Music Man, For Me?, Max is Missing, Making Popcorn, Tracks in the Woods, Donny's Job
Level C Titles:
Corn, The Fair, We Are All the Same, Moms at Work, My Dinner, The Shopping Trip, Banyard Mystery, Farm Babies, Powerful Words, You Can Kick
Level D Titles:
Squares Everywhere, Types of Seeds, The M Family, No, Rex, No!, Potatoes!, Bus Rules, My Day!, I Won't Go to Bed, Helping with the Laundry, The May Fair
Level E Titles:
Animal Feet, Circles Everywhere, I Said No!, Pickle's Escaped, The Case for Carrots, Alaina's Bracelet, My Babysitters, The Tennis Match, Dancer, Ducklings
Level F Titles:
I Can Sign, Animal Necks, Community Day, Mr. Pope's Plant, Baseball Practice, Flat Tire, Time to Wake Up, Grandma's Goat, A Time Machine, Packing Lunch
Level G Titles:
Ants at Work, Tricky Fish!, Helping Hilda, Just Try It!, Out of Battery, Runaway Robot, Shelby in Love, The Kwanzaa Dress, The Lemonade Stand, The Wish Witch and the Greedy Boy
Level H Titles:
Owls, Your New Kitten, The Busy Sea, Screams in the Night, Art Class Disaster, Anyone Can Dance, Asha's Clues, Mole Makes a Friend, Nurse Pop Pop, The Goose with Golden Feathers
evel I Titles:
Blue Whales, Burp! Excuse Me!, Weather, Tails Have Jobs, A Seashell Surprise, Jackson and the Pirates, New Books for Potter City, Safe from the Storm, Hold on Tight, What is a Talent Show?
Level J Titles:
Butterfly or Moth?, Community Workers, Fossils, The Water Cycle, Maps and Globes, A New Home for Len, Robby the Raccoon, Like Snowflakes, Tall on Talent, The Pancake Plan
Level K Titles:
Animal Adaptations, Food Groups, Voting and Elections, The Magical Backpack, Barry Badger Bakes a Cake, Bingwen Makes a New Friend, Bobo the Barracuda, All About Pumpkins, The Three Little Aliens, William Tell
Leve L Titles:
Rocks and Minerals, Olympic Insects, Becoming an Astronaut, The History of Ice Cream, Stone Soup, Arjun's Lunchbox, The Worst Talent Show Ever, Cyril's Picnic Plan, Finding Their Way, One Tough Butterfly,
Level M Titles:
All About Spiders, Landforms and Bodies of Water, Mammals Big and Small, What is a Life Cycle?, Dinosaur Day, Daphne Dragon, Crocodile Lake, The Taste Sensation Sweeping the Nation, Martin Finds a Way, Sweet Apples
Level N Titles:
Taking Care of Earth, Food Chains, MLK, Jr., Flit and Orville, Patience Young Bear, Chuck's Challenge, Grady the Grouch, Successful Failures, Karina Cracks the Case, Rachel Runs
Level O Titles:
Planets, Extreme Weather, Presidents' Day, The Best Seats in the House, Kept Promises, Scavenger Hunt Surprise, The Rooftop Garden, Having What It Takes, The Witch of Whitmore Street, The Great Liu
Level P Titles:
Ben Franklin: The Inventor, Black History Month, Native Americans, The Deep Ocean, Thank Goodness!, The Big Ego, The Dhole, The Moonbow, Puppies for Pablo, The Rainbow Crow
Level Q Titles:
Rainforests, Women in History, The Woolly Rhino, Your Friendly Neighborhood Ghost, The Blizzard Sleepover, Getting Ready for Race Day, Roxy's Lunch, History with a Twist