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16 Free Decodable Books For You

Second Grade Fiction & Nonfiction Book Collection

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Original price $1,797.00
Current price $629.00

The Second Grade Fiction & Nonfiction Book Collection contains 50 titles including Levels I - M. There are 10 titles per level and 6 copies per book title. There are a total of 300 books in this Second Grade Collection.  This purchase is for books only.

Level I Titles: 

Blue Whales, Burp! Excuse Me!, Weather, Tails Have Jobs, A Seashell Surprise, Jackson and the Pirates, New Books for Potter City, Safe from the Storm, Hold on Tight, What is a Talent Show? 

Level J Titles: 

Butterfly or Moth?, Community Workers, Fossils, The Water Cycle, Maps and Globes, A New Home for Len, Robby the Raccoon, Like Snowflakes, Tall on Talent, The Pancake Plan

Level K Titles: 

Animal Adaptations, Food Groups, Voting and Elections, The Magical Backpack, Barry Badger Bakes a Cake, Bingwen Makes a New Friend, Bobo the Barracuda, All About Pumpkins, The Three Little Aliens, William Tell

Leve L Titles: 

Rocks and Minerals, Olympic Insects, Becoming an Astronaut, The History of Ice Cream, Stone Soup, Arjun's Lunchbox, The Worst Talent Show Ever, Cyril's Picnic Plan, Finding Their Way, One Tough Butterfly, 

Level M Titles:

All About Spiders, Landforms and Bodies of Water, Mammals Big and Small, What is a Life Cycle?, Dinosaur Day, Daphne Dragon, Crocodile Lake, The Taste Sensation Sweeping the Nation, Martin Finds a Way, Sweet Apples