Kindergarten Fiction & Nonfiction Book Collection
The Kindergarten Fiction & Nonfiction Book Collection contains 40 titles including Levels A - D. There are 10 titles per level and 6 copies per book title. There are a total of 240 books in this Kindergarten Collection. This purchase is for books only.
Level A Titles:
What Can I Play?, Opposites, Do You See?, Fruit Salad, Getting Ready for Bed, How I Move, In the Kitchen, In the Mud, My Big Dog, One for You
Level B Titles:
At the Beach, Dog and Cat, The Garage, Where Did You Come From?, Music Man, For Me?, Max is Missing, Making Popcorn, Tracks in the Woods, Donny's Job
Level C Titles:
Corn, The Fair, We Are All the Same, Moms at Work, My Dinner, The Shopping Trip, Banyard Mystery, Farm Babies, Powerful Words, You Can Kick
Level D Titles:
Squares Everywhere, Types of Seeds, The M Family, No, Rex, No!, Potatoes!, Bus Rules, My Day!, I Won't Go to Bed, Helping with the Laundry, The May Fair