Kindergarten Developing Decoders Collection (540 Books + 12 Anthologies - Green Set)
If you are delving into the Science of Reading research and focusing on a structured literacy approach to classroom instruction in your Kindergarten classroom, this Kindergarten Developing Decoders Collection is for you!
This decodable collection contains 90 titles with 6 copies per title. There are a total of 540 books
+ 12 Anthologies in the Kindergarten Developing Decoders Collection.
Your order of this product will be shipped in 2 display boxes in order to accommodate the 90 titles and 6 copies of each title - which will equal 540 books + 12 Anthologies for kindergarten classroom use.
This purchase is for decodable BOOKS ONLY.
See the Decodable Book titles below.
Alphabet | Book Title |
Anthology Story Titles | |
7. f | Tap and Pat |
8. i | I Fit! |
9. n | Nip at the Sap |
10. CVC practice short a, short i | Tim and Pim Tap Fins |
11. Nasalized A (am, an) | Pam and Maps |
12. o | Tom Mops |
13. d | Dip in the Dim Pit |
14. c /k/ | Cod for the Cop |
15. u | Dot in the mud |
16. g | Pig and Pug Dig |
17. b | Cob for Cub and Bub |
18. e | Bug in a Net |
19. VC & CVC Practice (all) | Beg for a Nap |
20. -s /s/ | Ten Cats |
21. -s /z/ | Tag with Cubs and Pigs |
22. k | Skip the Task |
23. h | Hog Hits His Hip |
24. r Part 1 | Rat in a Rut |
25. r Part 2 | Grub on a Crop |
26. l Part 1 | The Lab's Leg |
27. l Part 2, al | Slug and Grub |
28. w | Wig in the Web |
29. j | Jon's Grub |
30. y | Yen Asks |
31. x | Fox and Ox |
32. qu | Quin Runs |
33. v | Vic and the Vet |
34. z | Zac Zigs and Zags |
Alphabet Review & Longer Words |
35a. Short A Review
Bad Max |
Tad's Bag | |
35b. Short A Review (nasalized a)
Jam, Sam, Jam! |
Cam and Tam | |
35c. Short A Advanced Review
Camp Is a Blast! |
Stan and the Lamp | |
36a. Short I Review
Pip the Pig |
Tim Fibs | |
36b. Short I Advanced Review
Twins on a Trip |
Skip in the Wind | |
37a. Short O Review
Cod and Cobs |
The Big Job | |
37b. Short O Advanced Review
The Big Stomp |
Spot Is Soft | |
38a. Short A, I, O Review
Cat and Dog |
The Map | |
38b. Short A, I, O Advanced Review
Crab's Pals |
My Twin | |
39a. Short u review (CVC)
Run, Pup, Run |
Cub in the Tub | |
39b. Short u advanced review (CCVC, CVCC)
Slug in a Slump |
Do Not Trust the Rust! | |
40a. Short e review (CVC)
Ten Pens |
Get in Bed, Jen! | |
40b. Short e advanced review (CCVC, CVCC)
The Sled |
A Tent for Dad | |
41a. Short vowel review (CVC)
Pals and Pets |
Rob and the Pup | |
41b. Short vowel advanced review 1 (CCVC, CVCC)
Swim with a Croc |
Lift the Flap | |
41c. Short vowel advanced review 2 (CCVCC, CCCVC)
Fred Strums |
Spot's Sprint | |
Digraphs |
42. ff, ll, ss, zz
Buzz and Fuzz |
Red Hill | |
43. -all, -oll, -ull
A Doll in the Mall |
The Fall Ball | |
44. ck
The Lock |
Can You Pick? | |
45. sh
Ships in the Shop |
Shush | |
46. Voiced th
This or That? |
Will and Matt | |
47. Unvoiced th
Math Moth |
The Lost Tusk | |
48. ch
Chad and the Chick |
Chip the Champ | |
49. Digraphs Review 1
The Black Flash |
Trad the Troll | |
50. wh, ph
What's in the Pond? |
The Pals Whack and Smack! | |
51. ng
Swings and Wings |
A Trip to Hong Kong | |
52. n /ŋ/ (as in nk)
Not My Bunk! |
A Pink Sink | |
53. Digraphs Review 2
The Fish Tank |
Will Ralph Wish? | |
VCe |
54. a_e
Jake the Snake |
Wade Bakes a Cake | |
55. i_e
Kites for Sale |
Mike Hikes | |
56. o_e
Mack the Mole |
Cole Saves the Shop | |
57. VCe Review 1; e_e
Zeke's Sale |
Eve Bakes | |
58. u_e
Luke and June |
The Duke of Plume | |
59. VCe Review 2
Duke |
June's Flute | |
60. _ce /s/
Lost in Space |
The Big Race | |
61. _ge /j/
Gale on Stage |
Sage the Strange Snake | |
62. VCe Review 3; VCe exceptions
June's Trunk (VCe exceptions) |
Grace and Cam (VCe exceptions)
Pete's Pals (review) | |
Gene's Theme (review) | |
Reading Longer Words |
63. -es
Passes and Misses |
The Lunches | |
64. -ed
Jess Is Listed |
Mike Hates to Camp! | |
65. -ing
Dashing Dan |
Stressing About Math | |
66. Closed & Open Syllables
Fun in the Sun |
The Van Trip | |
67a. Compound Words
The Sandbox Hike |
Fun at Sunup | |
67b. Closed/Closed
Picnic Time |
Fishing at the Cabin | |
68. Open/Closed
The Robot |
The Music Box |
Tad's Bag - short a review
Cole Saves the Shop - o_e
Moo the Town Cow - diphthongs
ISBN # 979-8-88741-638-0